Ashish Nehra and Gautam Gambhir. Pic Credits: X

IPL 2024 : Gautam Gambhir- Ashish Nehra’s Unique Coaching Style Centers On Listening

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The dynamics between a coach and players in cricket are often intriguing, shaping not just the team’s performance but also individual growth. Gautam Gambhir’s recent comments on Ashish Nehra, the coach of Gujarat Titans (GT) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), shed light on a unique coaching style that emphasizes listening over talking. Gautam Gambhir’s observations offer a fascinating glimpse into Ashish Nehra’s approach to coaching and the impact it has on the players under his guidance.

 Ashish Nehra the Silent Coach 

Gautam Gambhir was having an Interaction with Sportskeeda and he stated that Ashish Nehra as a coach prefers to listen rather than speak. This unconventional approach stands out in a field where coaches are often seen as vocal leaders, guiding players through instruction and motivation. Nehra’s emphasis on listening could stem from his vast experience as a player. Having been on the field himself, Nehra may understand the value of listening to players’ perspectives and insights, recognizing that communication is a two-way street.
“Everyone has their own style of coaching. He is such a personality that he can’t sit at one place. Even during his playing days, he couldn’t sit at one place. You should do what comes to you naturally. You do not need to change your style by looking at someone else,” said Gautam Gambhir.
“If your personality suits you and your team, so be it. People may call you football manager or anything else. Ultimately, it is your team and your profession. It’s your decision as to how to want to get the results. There are some who are completely expressionless. Some are very passionate. Everyone has their own personality, but the good thing is that it hasn’t changed,” Gambhir added.

Building Trust and Understanding

Ashish Nehra’s approach could be instrumental in building trust and understanding between coach and players. By listening attentively, Ashish Nehra may create a space where players feel comfortable expressing themselves, leading to a deeper level of engagement and commitment. Ashish Nehra’s style of coaching could also be seen as empowering for players. By encouraging them to voice their thoughts and opinions, Ashish Nehra may be helping players develop a stronger sense of ownership and responsibility for their performance.

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