Steve Smith. Pic Credits: Twitter

Ashes 2023: “Steve Smith Was Disappointing In His 100th Test Match….”- Mark Taylor Makes A Staggering Statement On Star Batter

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Steve Smith couldn’t dictate the terms in his 100th Test match. Steve Smith‘s rare failure hurt the team in the 3rd Test match at Leeds. It won’t be wrong to say that the mighty Aussies are way reliant on the duo of Marnus Labuschagne and Steve Smith which was one of the reasons for the team’s defeat in the 3rd Test match.

After easily defeating the English in the first two tests held respectively at Edgbaston and Lord’s, cricket – fans all over the world were awaiting for the Leeds test. With all expectations from the Aussies to comfortably defeat the English in Leeds and seal the prestigious Ashes Test Series of the year 2023, by a margin of 3 – 0 could not be fulfilled, as the English had some other plans.

Steve Smith’s dismissal in the second innings was a shock to all of us- Mark Taylor

Mark Taylor was having an interaction with World Wide of Sports and was quite dejected with the performance of Steve Smith in his 100th Test match. Steve Smith scored 24 runs in the match and was quite scratchy. Mark Taylor pointed out that Steve Smith had a forgettable outing and emphasized on the fact that the top 3 need to score significantly to post a huge total on the board.

“He ( Smith) was disappointing in his 100th Test, scoring no real runs. His second innings dismissal was a shock to all of us because it was so un-Smith-like, but caught well as he always does,” said Mark Taylor.

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor. Pic Credits: Twitter.

“He got a couple of starts, but like all of the batsmen, needs to start turning these 30s and 40s into big scores. He knows that, and we all know Test match cricket is won by blokes making big hundreds, not 30s and 40s. He didn’t have a bad game, but need more from the top three batters to get big totals,” he added.

Also Read: Ashes 2023: “I Think Australia Will Trust David Warner For One More Test”- Darren Lehmann

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