ICC T20 World Cup 2024: Bangladesh’s Disappointing Defeat To Australia: A Critical Analysis

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This article explores three key factors of Bangladesh’s loss which is batting, bowling, and captaincy and highlights where and how Bangladesh needs to improve in requesting stronger preparedness against top-tier teams such as Australia in future fixtures.

Batting Failure

The top order batting poorly; could not build big partnerships or even maintain a good anchoring so to speak.

Bowling Ineffectiveness

The concerted failure to seize the initiative and gain domination in the early stages and the inability to apply pressure build-up at both ends enabled the Australian batsmen to take control and domination right from that early stage till the end of the innings to set up the Australian side a very enviable and competitive score which the Bangladesh side could not meet.

Captaincy Issues

The Indian captain missed a relatively simple trick of not bowling his fast bowlers in a constricted time in the field and moreover not having them set aggressive fields at the right time hit the Australian batsmen on the freebies they got.


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